Photo of Zélia Matias Portugal
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See everything we offer you!
23.62 x 31.50 in
47.24 x 31.50 in
47.24 x 31.50 in
19.69 x 15.75 in
19.69 x 15.75 in
10.63 x 8.66 in
21.26 x 25.59 in
23.62 x 23.62 in

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Photo of Zélia Matias Portugal

The painter is a native of Castelo Branco, Portugal, where she was born in 1970. A teacher, her hobby is oil painting. Since childhood, painting flows in her veins. She then worked with watercolor, charcoal and Chinese ink work. Her teacher of Visual Education encouraged her to follow the Arts course, but she changed her plans and followed Mathematical Sciences, having graduated from the University of Coimbra. Then, she started in oil painting with her colleagues who attended the Arts course. Self-taught, her artistic training results from research, mainly from reading and visits to museums and art galleries. Giving priority to the composition of the landscape, she has a special appreciation for the light transmitted by the paintings of impressionist painters. Some of her reference painters are Monet, Renoir, Manet, Cézanne, Sorolla and Peder Mork Monsted.

Encouraged by her friends and co-workers to exhibit her paintings in oil, then she started the activity, exhibiting some of them.

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